the divas and the horses

the divas and the horses

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

All about the Divas

My name is Amanda and I have two wonderful daughters who are loving, princess dressing, chalk drawing, temper tantrum throwing divas. I know all kids are like especially girls. But sometimes they even surprise me lol. I am a hairstylist that is now a stay at home mom full time. Which some days can be over whelming but I am trying to make the best of it. I have never been one of those women that could clean all day everyday and be happy about it let alone not want to shoot the first person to make a mess on the clean floor. But I am trying and learning new ways to direct my creative energy into something I can trick myself into enjoying. I am also trying to start getting back into shape which is a lot harder to do with two crazy girls running around begging you to make cookies or eat a snack and the other wanting you to teach her more yoga but you have only done it twice So your as clueless as she is. Again trying to lol. So here I am to write things out before the seap into the oblivion that is now my brain. And so it begins...